Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Dorothy McRae-McMahon

Faith Editor –

All Hallows’ Eve

In October we would have noticed all sorts of things around us to remind us of Halloween. Most people, understandably, would be unlikely to...

Interfaith relationships enrich us all

Given the multicultural nature of the Australian community it is important people of various faiths share their ideas about life from the perspectives of their own faith, writes Dorothy McRae-McMahon.

Let us see each other’s faces

One of the clearest ways to see new ideas about living with faith is when we look at each other’s faces. Even if we...

Amazing Grace

“Amazing Grace” is possibly the most popular hymn around the world. You often find it on non-religious CDs and sung in surprising contexts. It...

Show us your true faith, Scott

When our prime minister, Scott Morrison, first took office, he told us in the early days that he was a Pentecostal Christian. The fact that...

Faith in friendship

Twenty-four years ago, there was an Active Women’s Exercise Class. When it closed down, the women concerned decided to share morning tea with each other...

A person of faith

Why would anyone choose to be a person of faith? This is a question which many people might want to ask at this point...

End racism for the good of all

Several recent events can remind us all of racism. Sadly, racial prejudice has never been totally confined to non-religious people. Back in 1956, when my...

Christ won’t leave us in a crisis

Christmas celebrations began many years ago by Christian churches around the world. Now, of course, it is the time when millions of people join...

There are many pathways through life

Over the last few years, our paper has had an interfaith focus for this faith column, so that we might learn from and respect...

A prayer for health and hope

In late March, I was asked by the World Council of Churches to write a prayer for the churches around the world in relation...

A community to believe in

Some time ago, those of us who organise the articles in this paper decided that its faith column should be “interfaith”. Although the SSH...

Mourning colonisation

As we approached “Australia Day” in 2019, the Uniting Church in Australia was encouraged by its national governing body, the Uniting Church Assembly, to...

Welcome to Eatz on Abercrombie

DARLINGTON: A new name and a bright new decor! Eatz on Abercrombie (formerly Tripod Cafe) is all about specialty coffee, good food and the encouragement...

Faith must be more than a theory

It is human and tempting to regard ourselves as “people of faith” if we believe in some form of God. We may even see...

Goodbye, dear Tripod

DARLINGTON: Tripod Cafe in Abercrombie Street has closed. The decision for closure was made by owner James Rebbeck, who after 12 years decided the...

The significance of Easter

The two most significant periods in the year for Christians are Christmas and Easter.

Claiming life – a testimony

The story that follows is written by a person who recognised he was transgender and who claimed the gender she recognised as her own.

Challenges for a prime minister who claims to be a person of faith

One of the first things our new Prime Minister did after his appointment was to pray and to make it clear that he is a person of faith.

Book reveals abuse in the churches

My own introduction to the publication, from 1995, lacks the strength of conviction I feel today. If I were writing it now, I would...

The breadth and depth of creation

What do people appreciate as the grander gifts of creation?

Departing salutations from police commander

So that he might more deeply understand the local people, Luke has spent time attending all sorts of community events.

What is faith?

People of faith have a sense of some spiritual being, or presence, which has power, creativity and wisdom beyond any human person.

Reflecting deeply on right and wrong

People of faith are usually called to love their God – body, mind and soul. If we are genuinely committed to doing that we must allow our minds to challenge all that we believe.

The complexities of faith

There are many passages in the Bible which we reject as not a valid part of our faith now.

Vale, Jeannie Kelso AM

Jeannie Kelso added to our lives by offering us her magnificent operatic voice in many situations.

The wisdom of children

We often think that children have very simple young minds. However, if they connect with people of faith, they often remind us that their thinking goes deeper and wider than we may imagine.

Like other faiths, Islam is radical as well as conservative

Susan Carland, lecturer at Monash University in Melbourne, has recently launched her book Women, Faith and Sexism – Fighting Hislam.

Feeding the five thousand

We often miss initiatives which would inspire us to have deeper hope in the way that we live – hope that invites us to “feed those around us”.

Eternal questions

As we grow old, many of us find ourselves reflecting on numbers of questions.

Love your neighbour as yourself

The reality is that we cannot genuinely love our God if we do not express that love in the world around us.

Life that rises from the dead

Many Australians have their own way of celebrating the Christian season of Easter.

Local cafes for community

Local cafes are, of course, places for eating and drinking. However, when we visit them regularly the best of them can facilitate our experiencing the wider community.

Voice of the cello – Artist Profile: Dave Loew

Music is a gift for us all.

Adding to the Bible

Each of the three faiths has made its own additions, sometimes "correcting" what the earlier writing claimed to be true.

A spirituality for resilience and survival

I lived like that for about 50 years. When my beautiful little son was brain-damaged by his polio vaccine, I quickly put away my...

A spirituality for resilience and survival

Coming from a Scottish Methodist background, I was brought up with sturdy genes for fighting and a spirit which said to me, if I was tired or grieving or anxious, “Pull yourself together and press on.”

A Community of faith

A variety of preachers at South Sydney Uniting Church during Rev, Andrew Collis's leave.

Learning from our Indigenous people

This became particularly vivid to me on a recent visit to the vast red centre of our country at Uluru. Just standing and looking...

Faith and ageing

Most of us who are older find ourselves dealing with times of significant decisions, and whether we are people of faith or not, moments...

Towards marriage equality

While same-sex marriage is not currently legal, some people are acting on faith that it soon will be. The South Sydney Uniting Church in Waterloo has already taken a role in ceremonies with three couples preparing for this change.

A post-colonial movement

Journalist and opinion columnist Peter FitzSimons is now the National President of the renewed Republican Movement.

Asking the hard questions

However, some people of religious belief would claim that the reverse is true. We would say that to ask the hard questions of God...

I know. Do you really?

Over the ages, the most dangerous people are those who think they “know” what life is about and what might, or might not, lie beneath it. They are, of course, fundamentalists and can be found at the margins of every faith and none.

Celebrating Christmas

As we approach Christmas, whether we are Christian or not, we might reflect on what lies beneath the various types of celebrations which usually take place.

A conversation with Dame Marie Bashir, ‘our beloved Governor’

The SSH celebrates the gracious and generous life of Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir and gives thanks for all she has offered and continues to offer the community around her and beyond.

I want your anger

“I don’t want your tears. I don’t even want your prayers. I want your anger!”

Peace be with you

Many people of faith “pass the peace” to each other during worship services and beyond. This is obviously a friendly gesture, especially amid the complexities of everyday life. However, I sometimes wonder what we really mean when we say “peace be with you”?

Come to me and I will give you rest

Dorothy Mcrae-McMahon writes that order to give more we need to restore our selves.

Ten years as Lord Mayor – An interview with Clover Moore

Congratulations on a decade as Lord Mayor. Had you always wanted to be Lord Mayor of Sydney? My start in local politics was aimed at...