WATERLOO: Stormy weather couldn’t stop the community from turning out for Summer on the Green, enjoying rock climbing, twirly apples, a sausage sizzle, information stalls and hot cuppas from the Vinnies Van.
REDFERN: As reported in our December issue, Ambour Hardware will soon close its doors. After 55 years of serving the community, Joe and Marie Ambour are retiring.
The dark had crept in, and now the rain. He was unable to move as he’d been out longer than expected and forgotten his medication. He’d told her he was going for a walk around the block: “Needed exercise after a day at home.”
It’s the end of an era for Redfern. After 55 years of serving the community, Joe and Marie Ambour, longtime owners of Ambour Hardware, are closing the doors.
Surry Hills was buzzing on November 2 for its second Sydney Streets this year, with Crown Street closed to traffic while thousands of locals and visitors enjoyed food, stalls, performances and more.
The South Sydney Herald fundraiser cruise on October 27 sailed through Circular Quay (Warrung), taking in sights of cultural and historical significance including Tjubooguuli (Opera House and Bennelong Point), Bayingo (Garden Island), Maten-Wanyay (Fort Dennison), Wokonmaguuli (Farm Cove), Yurong (Mrs Macquarie’s Point) and Woolloomooloo (“resting place of the dead”).
Counterpoint Community Services hosted its 18th Redfern and Waterloo Volunteer Awards at the Alexandria Town Hall on May 22. The event was part of National Volunteer Week.
The Waterloo Action Plan includes the following action point (2.7): “to make better use of existing community infrastructure and its availability and use for community outcomes. For example, reinvigorate community rooms and common areas and public spaces to bring community together.”
REDFERN: The 20th anniversary of RCC was celebrated on April 20, 2024, with Councillors (Waskam) Emelda Davis and HY William Chan being joined by Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo for the cutting of the cake.
We all know that pets play an important role in our lives and we love them for many reasons. They are companions, supporters, don’t judge us and are loyal.
As I write this column on Anzac Day 2024, I reflect on the members of my own family who served in various theatres of war, including my uncle John, killed at the Battle of the Somme in 1917, and my maternal grandfather James, the Boer War and WWI.
I know I always seem to start off my April column with an acknowledgement of Autumn, because I love the cooler nights (not always days!) and the lovely trees in flower in my area. There always seem to be plenty of activities at this time of year.
REDFERN: Locals crowded into the Redfern Hotel on Monday March 25 to farewell Dr Adrian Jones, retiring from medical practice after 47 years’ service. The popular General Practitioner had a surgery in Pitt Street for many years before moving into the Redfern Station Medical Centre on Redfern Street.
Local volunteers were honoured at Alexandria Town Hall on August 10. The room was full of incredible individuals who embody the theme of this year’s National Volunteer Week: “We are the Change Makers.”