Saturday, December 7, 2024
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Tag: Bridge Housing

Bridge Housing CEO to head Homes NSW

Rebecca Pinkstone has been named the inaugural Chief Executive of Homes NSW, the new Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) division established by the...

Yabun – enjoyment for everyone

The musical line-up at the Yabun Festival at Victoria Park, Broadway, on January 26, was outstanding.

Bridge Housing wins on 600-660 Elizabeth Street

REDFERN: Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) announced a consortium led by Community Housing Provider Bridge Housing with infrastructure advisor Capella Capital to develop the...

Clothing Store Precinct surprises

Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) is looking to retain ownership of most of the Redfern North Eveleigh Clothing Store Precinct by a 99-year ground...

New city public housing redevelopments

LAHC has announced two new public housing redevelopments in the City of Sydney. It has put proposals for the redevelopment of Franklyn Street Glebe and Explorer Street South Eveleigh out for pre-lodgement consultations until December 11 (see the website).

Brutal realities of Cowper Street and Waterloo

Most people living in public housing in inner-city Sydney in 2018 have every right to feel insecure as the government privatises land and public housing stock.