Tuesday, October 22, 2024


In orchards where the morning light does play
A bounty rich of fruit begins to gleam
Their colours dance in dawn’s soft gentle ray.

The apple blushes with a scarlet dream
While oranges like suns so brightly glow
Their citrus scent upon the breeze does stream.

Beneath the vine the purple clusters grow
Sweet grapes that promise wine within their veins
Their nectar ripe the summers’ warmth they show.

The berries hide in leafy shaded lanes
From strawberry to blueberry so sweet
Each tiny gem with joy and juice retains.

In tropic lands where sun and sea do meet
The pineapple stands tall with spiky crown
A golden heart within a tart retreat.

The orchard hums with life no soul does frown
For nature’s sweets are gifts that all can share
From fields and trees to baskets brought to town.

In every bite a taste beyond compare
The fruit of earth a blessing rare and true
A harvest rich with love and tender care.


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Volunteers’ News – October 2024

Volunteers’ News – October 2024.

New book profiles logging breaches by Forestry Corporation

As the people of NSW await the latest judgment of the Land and Environment Court for Forestry Corporation of NSW’s logging breaches, in this case illegally felling giant and hollow-bearing trees in Wild Cattle Creek State Forest near Coffs Harbour, a new book shines a light on the Corporation’s misdemeanours across the state.

Museum receives accolade for audience engagement

The Chau Chak Wing Museum at the University of Sydney has won the 2024 International Council of Museums (ICOM) Australia Institution Award. It is the first university museum to receive this award.

Faith communities call for fossil fuel phase-out

Cathedrals and over 150 diverse places of worship across Australia, including in Sydney, unveiled banners on September 17 with a united message for the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition: supporting a rapid transition from coal and gas to clean energy.

Living with dementia – a carer’s journey: 9. Residential care (part three)

In July 2022, just over a year after Stuart was first admitted, I wrote to the facility service manager about Stuart’s personal care.

After the Voice referendum

Volunteers who campaigned in support of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament recently met at the Redfern Community Centre to hear about the way forward from the outgoing Minister for Indigenous Australians, Linda Burney and Indigenous author and activist, Thomas Mayo.