Long-time residents will remember when the Redfern Shopping Centre had its name changed to Surry Hills Shopping Centre because the reputation of Redfern was so bad. But those bad old days are long behind us.
Why then, I wonder, have the new developers of the shopping centre site decided to call it Surry Hills Residences? They might as well call it the Vaucluse Residences because it isn’t in Vaucluse either.
I’ve written to the developer (TOGA) but received no response.
I think it’s wrong, and I think Redfern should speak up about it. To let it go without comment is to accept the dated thinking of marketing managers and profit-seeking developers.
Will we just stand by while the name Redfern is quietly removed from the map so apartments can be sold faster? Even though the residents of the development will receive letters addressed to Surry Hills Residences, Redfern 2016!