Monday, March 24, 2025



Storytelling workshops designed and led by young people

As a creative writing organisation, developing literacy-based workshops for young people is Story Factory’s bread and butter. But it’s not often that those workshops end up being designed and delivered by young people themselves ...

The Monkey

The film The Monkey is based on a short story of the same name by Stephen King.

The Brutalist

As you probably know, Brutalism is a form of architecture.

A Language of Limbs

A Language of Limbs is split into two halves – Limb One and Limb Two, who go through life in a parallel manner.


The perfect film has great relevance to current affairs, and Conclave is the perfect example.

‘On Tuesdays’ 

On Tuesdays ...

‘Snakes and ladders’ 

Snakes and ladders ...

‘I saw a banded krait’

I saw a banded krait ...

‘Baby Snake’

There you were, slithering along the cliff face next to me ...

‘The Metal Serpent’

A metal snake with iron scales ...

‘Year of the Snake’

Men and women dance ...

‘Deep calls to deep’

When I go out in the dawn or dusk ...

Summer on the Green despite the rain

WATERLOO: Stormy weather couldn’t stop the community from turning out for Summer on the Green, enjoying rock climbing, twirly apples, a sausage sizzle, information stalls and hot cuppas from the Vinnies Van.

The power of authenticity and diversity

The 47th annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade on March 1 centred around the theme “Free to Be”, celebrating the power of authenticity and diversity.

Billie Eilish – meaning, energy, emotional connection

Billie Eilish’s third album, Hit Me Hard and Soft (2024) shows her unique style and talent. At 23, she keeps changing pop music, mixing deep lyrics with creative sounds.

The Loner – powerful protest in song

A funeral for Dr William Victor “Bunno” Simms (January 29, 1946 – February 8, 2025) was held at St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Malabar, on February 19.

Food and other support services in your area

Recent data reveals that over one-third of Australian households experienced moderate to severe food insecurity in 2023 (

Song of First Desire

This latest work by esteemed writer Andrew Bovell (Things I Know to Be True, The Secret River) is passionate, political and deeply affecting.


Award-winning playwright Alana Valentine, sharp as a tack, courageous and compassionate, once again takes up the challenge of placing the patriarchal and colonial Australian psyche under her microscope.


Wife charts the beginning and eventual dissolution of the long relationship between Zoe Stamper and Penny Cartwright, both working as academics in London academia, Penny in literature and Zoe in classics.


David Williamson’s latest play casts a philosophical look at contemporary Australian society, particularly the big-city obsessions of wealth, property and social standing.

‘Rhymes come easy’ 

Rhymes come easy ...

‘My Sanctuary’ 

I have to get out of there ...

‘Kelly the Magical Warrior Elf’ 

In a realm where ancient forests sigh ...

‘road trip’ 

the sky spreads itself ...

‘Restless urge for change’ 

Restless urge for change ...

‘The Sea’ 

The sea taught me ...

‘We go for a swim to Gumbend Lake’ 

We go for a swim to Gumbend Lake ...

Toast of the town

REDFERN: “This is my favourite bread shop,” says one customer waiting to place her order at PT Crown Bakery in George Street. “I can’t believe it’s closing. This is really sad.”

Literary programs lead to published works

On Sunday December 15, 2024, a group of nine teenagers from Western Sydney became published authors as they launched their very own novellas or collections of poetry through Story Factory’s Year of the Novella and Year of Poetry programs.

Queer artists make it and break it

Queer Contemporary: Chaosophy brings together three generations of queer artists (including recent National Art School graduates) who make and break language across the intersections of art, activism, poetry and performance.


Jacky is an uncomfortable play demanding our rigorous attention and offering little relief but wisely leavened by genuinely comedic moments.


The ocean whispers secrets to the shore ...

‘I don’t like writing a villanelle’

I don't like writing a villanelle ...


Direct my thoughts to other things ...

‘Where Will We Go?’ 

The stars to the sea below ...

Sisters telling otherworldly stories

Nine young people were invited to Story Factory in September for the Novella Kitchen, a two-day, bite-sized, book-writing bootcamp that gave them a taste of Story Factory’s Year of the Novella program – and the challenge of writing an entire novella in a single weekend.

The Heartbreak Choir

The Heartbreak Choir is a play which negotiates an uncertain emotional road, fraught with ethical decisions, towards a feel-good ending.

Gladiator II

Should a film set in ancient times be historically accurate and politically correct? If it is politically correct then can it possibly be historically accurate? And vice versa?

Dance Clan 24

Dance Clan 24 is exciting, challenging, beautiful and groundbreaking. A unique programme, Dance Clan nurtures a new generation of artists by offering young members the opportunity to create original works reflecting both their personal story and their cultural heritage.

‘Creativity is in us’ – an interview with Johannes Geppert (#3)

Johannes (Johnny) Geppert is a Surry Hills-based artist. His studio-gallery on Crown Street, Collage Atelier, is open for exhibitions as well as weekly workshops in drawing, painting and collage.

August: Osage County

Belvoir’s excellent production of Tracy Letts’ Tony and Pulitzer awarded masterpiece is an engrossing tragicomedy with a brilliant ensemble cast.

The Female of the Species

Directed by Erica Lovell, the Old Fitz Theatre’s production of Joanna Murray-Smith’s delightfully wicked The Female of the Species is fast-paced and entertaining.

‘Something serious … empowering’ Writer Profile: Noura Hijazi

Since emigrating from Lebanon to Western Sydney when she was 12 years old, Noura Hijazi has always found writing to be an outlet for her thoughts and feelings, and a way of adjusting to a new environment in Australia.

‘Flannel Flowers’

Softness of form ...

‘a ring’

a band of gold ...

‘In hidden depths where shadows dwell’ 

In hidden depths where shadows dwell ...


The light of human kindness ...


When I got mine in my 30s ...

‘Where Value Lies’

Money cannot buy ...

The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Extinct Animals

When it comes to naming extinct animals, most of us would probably know the dodo and the woolly mammoth. But how many of the over 900 species classified as extinct since 1500, and the over 44,000 species threatened with extinction, could we actually name?

McGuffin Park

Sam O’Sullivan’s McGuffin Park, a new play about an idealist who enters the mayoral race in the little town of McGuffin, is a gem of the political theatre genre.