Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Stafford Sanders


Listening to the people of Greater Sydney

Uniting is taking part in Postcode2020, an ambitious project of listening to the wishes and needs of communities across Greater Sydney. It’s a project of...

Diverse communities raise voice for affordable housing and energy

They came from as far afield as Dubbo, the Hunter and the Illawarra – and from across Greater Sydney.

Raise a voice for affordable housing and energy

Calling out political leaders on lower-income affordable rental policies, broad household renewable energy access and rental reform.

A big step forward in Uniting’s long walk to drug reform

Fair Treatment, a campaign for long overdue drug law and policy reform.

Berejiklian government urged to ‘do density well’

Community organisations across Sydney are urging the Berejiklian government to shift the focus of housing development away from quantity and towards affordability for lower-income earners.

Affordable and secure housing campaign goes local

Sydney’s diverse local communities and non-profit organisations are “acting local” in a concerted push for better affordable and secure housing policies to help people on lower incomes.

Drug reform gathering calls for a better way

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

Uniting Church urges premier to take action on gambling reform

The head of the Uniting Church in NSW and ACT has called on Premier Gladys Berejiklian to “seriously embrace reform” of poker machine operations in NSW.

Campaign will push on to strengthen affordable rental targets

NSW government has adopted Sydney Alliance calls for lower-income affordability targets in new developments.

The Social Justice Forum – mission into action

The Uniting Church takes its social justice mission seriously – and its Social Justice Forum team is back on deck in 2018 to put mission into action.

Drug expert says Sydney must lift its harm reduction game

The first MSIC in the southern hemisphere, Uniting’s at Kings Cross, has been running since 2001. Evidence of its life-saving record given to a...

Pressure builds for affordable and secure rental

New developments have increased pressure on the Berejiklian government to act decisively on rental affordability and security.

Affordable housing – governments must act

All levels of government have responsibilites to act.

Time for leadership on unaffordable rental crisis

Nadine Carrick pays 70 per cent of her income on rent – and her story is by no means unusual in Sydney’s crisis of unaffordable housing.

Childhood obesity and nutrition – a social justice issue

Childhood obesity is a problem that can compromise health, well-being and opportunity throughout life.

Affordable Housing Assembly sends strong message to Minister

Inclusionary targets should be applied to whole developments, not only the 'uplift'.

Housing affordability – time for NSW to turn words into action

Housing experts and NGOs argue a 15-30 per cent minimum for affordable housing should apply to all units in new developments.

Government must take a lead in building housing affordability

NSW Government and its Greater Sydney Commission must take the lead with 15 per cent minimum affordable housing in all major new developments.

Privatised prisons will put profit first

Uniting Church leaders in NSW are concerned that further privatisations of prisons and their services – particularly education – will harm the quality of prisoner care and staff working conditions.

Campaign to bring Sydney rents back within reach of lower incomes

The Uniting Church and its partners in the Sydney Alliance are mounting a concerted campaign to bring Sydney’s soaring rentals back within the reach of people on lower incomes.

Uniting begins campaign to re-think illegal drug policies

“If we’re a society which believes in giving people a fair go,” says Marianne Jauncey, “if we believe in saving lives, we must do something differently.”