Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pat Clarke


Volunteers’ News – July 2024

Volunteers’ News – July 2024.

Volunteers’ News – June 2024

Volunteers’ News – June 2024.

Volunteers’ News – May 2024

As I write this column on Anzac Day 2024, I reflect on the members of my own family who served in various theatres of war, including my uncle John, killed at the Battle of the Somme in 1917, and my maternal grandfather James, the Boer War and WWI.

Volunteers’ News – April 2024

I know I always seem to start off my April column with an acknowledgement of Autumn, because I love the cooler nights (not always days!) and the lovely trees in flower in my area. There always seem to be plenty of activities at this time of year.

Volunteers’ News – March 2024

March is shaping up as a very busy month, with lots of activities and religious festivals.

Volunteers’ News – February 2024

Welcome back to another year of the South Sydney Herald, still being published in our 23rd year, thanks to your support and readership. In the...

Volunteers’ News – December 2023

Martin Place Christmas tree and fairy lights until January 1 The City of Sydney is again showcasing the lights at Martin Place, with the tallest...

Volunteers’ News – November 2023

November last year the Uluru Statement from the Heart won the Sydney Peace Prize. After the failure of the Yes referendum campaign, the Statement...

Volunteers’ News – October 2023

Firstly, on behalf of all our wonderful volunteers I’d like to acknowledge our managing editor Marjorie Lewis-Jones, who has inspired us all to deeper...

Volunteers’ News – September 2023

By the time this goes to print, spring will be upon us. My trip to Queensland last month turned into a bit of a...

Volunteers’ News – August 2023

NAIDOC Week, FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023, Computer classes at Redfern Community Centre ... and so much more!

Volunteers’ News – July 2023

There's plenty to enjoy throughout July – so rug up and make the most of it!

Volunteers’ News – June 2023

It’s June already ... and Sydney is jam-packed with things to be part of and plan for! The Convict Years, Hyde Park Barracks, Queens Square...

Volunteers’ News – May 2023

Welcome to autumn and it’s probably time to get out the jumpers, socks and coats, but also time to enjoy the beautiful colours of...

Volunteers’ News – March 2023

The talents of our volunteers never cease to amaze me!

Volunteers’ News – February 2023

Hello and welcome to another year of the South Sydney Herald. We are in our 22nd year of publication!

Volunteers’ News – December 2022

It’s hard to believe that the end of the year is upon us. The time seems to have passed so quickly.

Volunteers’ News – November 2022

Christmas cakes, a peace lecture, rebates for older people ... take a look!

Volunteers’ News – October 2022

This month you will note that my thoughts and writing have turned to art, and especially the heritage-listed National Art School in Darlinghurst.

Volunteers’ News – September 2022

There's a lot happening ... take a look! Especially note: We're having an SSH Volunteers and Supporters Picnic – October 15, Redfern Park, 12-2pm – all volunteers and supporters are welcome.

Volunteers’ News – August 2022

Dear readers, it is great to have a bit of sunshine to dry up the damp from the rain. Best wishes and good health...

Volunteers’ News – July 2022

Congratulations John Lanzky SSH volunteer John Lanzky has been recognised in the recent Waterloo & Redfern Volunteer Awards presented by Counterpoint Community Services and the...

Volunteers’ News – June 2022

Refugee Week, NAIDOC week, Vivid Sydney and the 69th Sydney Film Festival are just some of significant activities to get involved in and enjoy this winter ...

Volunteers’ News – May 2022

Autumn bursts upon us and as always Sydney is full of things to do in May. Events like: Neighbourhood Centre Week, Sydney Park Community Planting Day, Sydney Writers’ Festival and more ...

Volunteers’ News – April 2022

As I look out my window today, the sun is shining after lots of rain overnight. I’m hoping it will last, though the weather forecast tells me differently. Our thoughts and heartfelt prayers go out to those in northern NSW and Queensland who continue to suffer severe weather activity.

Volunteers’ News – March 2022

Sydney's events calendar is hotting up now Covid restrictions have been scaled back. There's Harmony Week, St Patrick's Day, the International Women’s Day rally and march ... and much more.

Volunteers’ News – February 2022

This is Year of the Tiger (the Water Tiger) in many Asian communities, and as always Sydney is putting on a show with style.

Volunteers’ News – December 2021

Last December, when I wrote about easing of restrictions, who would have thought we’d be expecting the same again this year. The information below...

Volunteers’ News – November 2021

Hello everyone, it’s November already, as the year seems to have passed in a dream-state of lockdown, misleading news, and daily accounts of government...

Volunteers’ News – October 2021

I hope this month finds you all in good spirits and looking forward to some easing of Covid restrictions from October 11 for fully vaccinated people.

Volunteers’ News – September 2021

Greetings volunteers and readers to the start of Spring, unofficially on September 1, but really with the Spring Solstice on September 23 this year.

Volunteers’ News – August 2021

The NSW government has announced a new date for the local government elections – Saturday December 4. iVote (electronic voting) will be available for the first time ...

Volunteers’ News – July 2021

Well, my dears, here we are again in lockdown or Stay at Home, as the premier is now calling it. This time it is...

Volunteers’ News – April 2021

Farewell and thank you! Allison Forrest is leaving us as distribution coordinator after 12 months to complete her training as a deacon of the Uniting...

Volunteers’ News – March 2021

What better way to start our 201st issue but in the Year of the Ox, and all of the other good things happening in...

Volunteers’ News – February 2021

We are 200! Welcome back everyone to our 200th issue of the South Sydney Herald, the brilliant and colourful local newspaper, which started off as a double-sided photocopied A4 sheet by founder Trevor Davies.

Volunteers’ News – December 2020

What a year it’s been and with border restrictions easing many families and friends will be able to get together for the holiday period....

Volunteers’ News – November 2020

Hello and welcome to November, and month nine* of the Pandemic, Plague, or whatever comes to mind. It seems by world standards our public...

Volunteers’ News – October 2020

Hello again, I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather and getting out and about. And since October is Australia’s Walking Month you...

Volunteers’ News – September 2020

Hooray, it’s spring! Isn’t it lovely to see all the flowers and trees in bloom, and for the days to be getting a bit longer...

Volunteers’ News – August 2020

I suppose, like me, you will have noticed a lot more people out and about wearing face masks. I’ve been trying to find out...

Volunteers’ News – July 2020

Welcome to the Covid-19 winter 2020 issue. Can you believe half a year gone, and what have we got? Hope we all haven’t lost...

Volunteers’ News – June 2020

I hope the last month has treated you all well, especially now that some restrictions are being lifted. Daily, I’m finding it hard to...

Meet Allison Forrest, diaconal student

This week I interviewed Allison Forrest, the South Sydney Herald's new distribution coordinator (with a focus on caring for volunteers).

Volunteers’ News – May 2020

I can’t believe it’s a month since we’ve been social distancing and staying at home. During that time I’ve tried to put some order...