The Factory Community Centre’s Volunteers Community Participation Awards recognise the many contributions of volunteers to the inner city. Each year for the past seven years the Awards lunch has grown larger and larger, so much so that this year all volunteer activities needed to happen in Redfern and Waterloo.
The Sydney Story Factory has been working with Martha Austin’s senior primary school students at Alexandria Park Community School during the last school term. Sebastian Wooldridge explained: “We have been making posters to support making a lift at Redfern station. It’s important as Redfern station is one of the stations that has the most steps and if an elderly person gets off they have to walk up the stairs.”
REDFERN: The Attorney-General Mark Dreyfuss visited Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) to announce $60,000 of untied federal funding at a time when the state government has cut funding to community legal centres across the state.
With the imminent release of the state government’s Planning White Paper, the City of Sydney has agreed to assisting communities with consultation workshops. Council will provide free meeting space and access to funding through the Quick Response Grants program for relevant community meetings.
In announcing the winners of an international design competition for the Green Square Library, jury member Professor Glenn Murcutt congratulated Matthias Hollenstein, 28, and Felicity Stewart, 30, but warned them that the expectations for subsequent projects will be influential in shaping their careers. Their design was chosen from a field of 167 entrants from 29 countries.
Still in his sweaty Redfern t-shirt after early morning training at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence’s Eora Gym alongside Shane Phillips and the youth involved in the Clean Slate Without Prejudice program, Superintendent Luke Freudenstein was relaxed.
During the holiday season public tenants received letters from Minister for Family and Community Services Pru Goward urging them to declare their unauthorised occupants and to phone a “dob in” phone line to report their neighbours.
On October 15, in light of the Gonski Review of school funding, Tanya Plibersek, the Federal Member for Sydney, hosted a public forum with three speakers about the Future of School Funding.
WATERLOO: The Aboriginal Employment Strategy Ltd (AES) has relocated its Central Sydney office from Glebe to Waterloo. The new office was opened by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Victor Dominello, on October 19.
One year on from its founding Assembly last September, Sydney Alliance held its second City Assembly at the Sydney Town Hall on Sunday October 28 to report back to over 1,000 members from its 48 partner organisations.
CHIPPENDALE: Following a weekend when Sydney experienced the strongest winds for years, Halo, Jennifer Turpine and Michaelie Crawford’s newest public artwork, was unveiled on one of the few still sunny mornings this August.
The Alliance is Australia’s first attempt at the kind of broad-scale community organising pioneered by American organiser Saul Alinksy and his Industrial Areas Foundation...
DARLINGTON: Physical Culture, or “physie” as it has been known by generations of Australian girls, is a combination of aerobics, ballet, modern dance and gymnastics performed to music. It’s a competitive sport with both individual and team competitions each year.