REDFERN: “This is my favourite bread shop,” says one customer waiting to place her order at PT Crown Bakery in George Street. “I can’t believe it’s closing. This is really sad.”
The scents and sounds of summer evoke vivid memories of youth. The SSH sat down in the sand with a seasoned surfer to reflect on long days in and by the ocean.
Johannes (Johnny) Geppert is a Surry Hills-based artist. His studio-gallery on Crown Street, Collage Atelier, is open for exhibitions as well as weekly workshops in drawing, painting and collage.
Johannes (Johnny) Geppert is a Surry Hills-based artist. His studio-gallery on Crown Street, Collage Atelier, is open for exhibitions as well as weekly workshops in drawing, painting and collage.
Johannes (Johnny) Geppert is a Surry Hills-based artist. His studio-gallery on Crown Street, Collage Atelier, is open for exhibitions as well as weekly workshops in drawing, painting and collage.
King Street Gallery on William was abuzz for the opening of Shadows, a new collection of paintings by Malabar-based artist and musician Peter O’Doherty.
Sydney artist Danielle Joy Golding draws from expressionist, surrealist and modern realist traditions to create dark and idiosyncratic works, including portraits, landscapes and still lifes.
Sharon Smith is a descendant of the Wiradjuri people of western NSW. She was born in Erskineville in 1957, the fourth of Eleanor and Matthew James Smith’s five children. As a child, Sharon was very close to her extended family.
REDFERN: Locals crowded into the Redfern Hotel on Monday March 25 to farewell Dr Adrian Jones, retiring from medical practice after 47 years’ service. The popular General Practitioner had a surgery in Pitt Street for many years before moving into the Redfern Station Medical Centre on Redfern Street.
Image-maker Hillary Monckton is newly enrolled in a visual arts program at the University of Sydney. “I feel I am more of an art student than an artist,” she says. “There’s so much reading to do!”
Act for Peace is the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches Australia. Its focus is on assisting the most conflict- and disaster-affected...
Recently appointed CEO of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE), Grant Cameron, is positive about the future. A Kamilaroi man with strong connections to Redfern, Grant says, “The NCIE is a unique cultural hub where people can come, learn and grow.
Last month, many churches, including South Sydney Uniting Church, marked the liturgical Season of Creation. September 24 was River Sunday, an occasion to give...
The 1,000-plus public housing residents of the Waterloo South public housing estate have recently learned of the new government’s plans to redevelop the estate.
WATERLOO: David Young has volunteered with the Waterloo Recycling Workshop (WRW) for more than 10 years. Located in a garage beneath the Turanga flats...