NEWTOWN: Mark Ely is the newly elected president of the Newtown Business Precinct Association (NPBA). He is keen to speak about the threats posed by the planned WestConnex motorway to business activity and culture on King Street.
Have you been given any idea of the likely impact in terms of traffic roadworks?
What we are most concerned about is the potential impact to the local businesses and the flow-on effect that this will have on the residents and unique culture of Newtown. To help clarify this, we are currently in discussions with all three levels of government to ensure we can estimate what the potential impact may be. Information has not been provided to us aside from what is in the public domain, which is why we are being proactive and meeting with government representatives. This will ensure that we are kept up to date with information and that we can pass this information on to our members, local businesses and the broader community.
From 2019 to 2023, the M5 will terminate at the south end of King Street. If the increased traffic volumes mean 24-hour clearways on King Street, what would that mean for businesses?
Any extensions of clearways (whether they be 24 hours or otherwise) on King Street will be vehemently opposed by the NPBA. Clearways prioritise traffic over pedestrian activity. King Street is a narrow road with narrow footpaths. If traffic is given preference then pedestrian activity will decrease, leading to a certain decline (and eventual death) of our high street as we know and live it today.
There are claims that Parramatta Road was “killed” for small business by clearways. Do you agree? Could King Street go the same way?
Absolutely. Parramatta Road is a useful comparison. It was once a thriving, bustling retail street. The prioritisation of the car by having clearways for extended periods has left us with the Parramatta Road we know today.
If you had $15 billion to spend on infrastructure, what would you do with it?
Improve public transport options, buy back the Airport stations, add stations to that line. Build car parks at key railway stations to encourage “park and ride”. Improve bus services with dedicated lanes and higher frequency.
What is your message to government? the public? businesses in Newtown?
The NPBA will oppose any extension of the current clearways on King Street, and will engage with all relevant parties to ensure that our message is heard. To the businesses and residents in the Newtown area, we want you to understand that our mission is to provide you with the most up-to-date information about this project and help lobby against any negative impact to our precinct. Keep an eye on our website for some updates in the coming weeks (