As the coronavirus pandemic bites more deeply, people across the globe are hurting and grieving – the people of South Sydney among them.
Over the last month, we have watched and listened with pride and gratitude as people in our area have reached out, acted generously and banded together online and (safely) through other means.
The images here on your community newspaper’s front page are tiny windows into some of the ways people and organisations in our area are keeping spirits up and supporting one another even though they’re struggling. Free meals for people who’ve lost their jobs, free book postage, shareable art on Instagram, messages of warmth to bridge the distance … and the list goes on.

We love these stories because of the kindness and ingenuity they reveal – and because our mission is to publish news that fosters community. In fact, the South Sydney Herald exists to help people find hope together and to share possibilities for a fairer and sustainable society.
Physical distancing and self-isolation make gathering these stories a little harder – but our team (mostly volunteers!) will continue to do whatever we can. You can help us by sending your stories (300 words or less, with a photo – 1 Megabyte minimum size) to
If your business or organisation has a specific message you’d like to get to our readers, please consider advertising in print and/or online with us (see our rates here as every bit of support for the paper in these tough times helps.

As the practical and economic implications of the pandemic become clearer, we may have to print the paper with fewer pages and/or publish some of our stories solely online.
The coronavirus is a threat to our health but it is also a threat to our community. Stories help keep us connected – fight the battle by spreading kindness and goodwill.