The long-awaited Waterloo Human Services Action Plan, developed collaboratively by all sectors of our community, is ready for final consultation.
The recent work of the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative, which consulted with agencies and residents, is a significant step toward addressing the current and future needs of the Waterloo community.
The plan identifies six priority areas for agencies and community group action:
- Improved safety
- Improved health and wellbeing
- Improved communication, consultation and community participation
- Improved customer service
- Improved service integration and service accessibility for all service users
- Improved responses to systemic issues (and accountability) on an ongoing basis.
Over the coming weeks, the draft plan will be circulated to local groups and agencies for their feedback, so the final plan can be endorsed and then implemented in early 2022.
While we will still face social challenges and “wicked” problems locally, the plan should go a long way toward addressing the issues residents have raised. Like all good plans, it will evolve through implementation, with regular review and ongoing community input.
The community rightly expects cohesive, timely, accessible, responsive, respectful, holistic services. These can only be achieved through resident involvement in decision-making, and well-planned, co-designed responses and implementation where everyone works hard to lift their game.
The community has been involved in this process for years, and now we have something that residents and agencies can rally behind. For the plan to succeed we need all government and non-government agencies, residents and community groups to become involved.
For a copy of the draft plan and to share your views, contact us at 9698 9569, or find it on the REDWatch website.