Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Volunteers rule!

Counterpoint Community Services hosted its 18th Redfern and Waterloo Volunteer Awards at the Alexandria Town Hall on May 22. The event was part of National Volunteer Week.

The awards acknowledge the fantastic skills and contributions of over 100 volunteers and several community groups. The work is wide-ranging and includes contributions to local community events, health projects, local advocacy, management committees, local press, community arts, gardens and safety projects, caring and emergency services.

Special thanks to the City of Sydney for sponsorship, and to Councillor Adam Worling, Superintendent Rod Hart, and Alice Anderson from the Centre for Volunteering, all of whom assisted with presentations.

Thanks to the fabulous Jessica Djamil (MC extraordinaire), Cara Kavanagh for providing some great tunes, and Clems for a delicious lunch.

Congratulations to Waterloo community leader and public housing activist, Karyn Brown, who received the Founder’s Choice Award.

Karyn has been a member of the Peer Education program run by Sydney Local Health District in partnership with Counterpoint since its inception. Karyn shared a vision for how residents could come together to educate each other about health and wellbeing.

She has also remained an active member of the Waterloo Redevelopment Group.

Congratulations to all award recipients. A huge thanks to all volunteers for mighty achievements.


  1. Congratulations Karyn! You have always been a loving ❤️ and caring Humanitarian. Your Family are very proud of you as your Mum was.
    Congratulations to all those wonderful People who were nominated with you.
    Loving ❤️ Thoughts to All! ❤️


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