The Factory Community Centre’s Volunteers Community Participation Awards recognise the many contributions of volunteers to the inner city. Each year for the past seven years the Awards lunch has grown larger and larger, so much so that this year all volunteer activities needed to happen in Redfern and Waterloo.
So active is the volunteer culture of Redfern and Waterloo that, despite this restriction, 120 volunteers received awards, either as individuals or on behalf of groups. Waterloo Salvation Army provided wonderful showbags and City of Sydney and UNSW Community Development Project potted herbs for all the volunteers.
Among the recipients were four young men, Tyrell Freeman Mafi, Felise Freeman Mafi, Jaxon Peterson and Will Hartwith, nominated by Barnardos for their efforts and contributions to its various programs across Sydney, including in Redfern and Waterloo. Both Tyrell and Felise have also been a part of the Yurungai Dance Group for a number of years.
Yurungai Dance Group’s award was accepted by Dianne Rodgers and Vivianne Freeman who have worked with the children for many years. The highlight for Yurangai this year was Beyonce’s Australian tour and being filmed for her promotional video featured on Facebook and YouTube. They even got to meet the star herself backstage before they opened her Sydney show!
Erskineville Bowling club provided a wonderful venue on one of this year’s warm May days. Guests enjoyed lunch while listening to music by Sam Pelligrino and being entertained by David Dodgen’s magic tricks. The hard work of the staff teams of South Sydney Community Aid and The Factory Community Centre meant that a great day was had by all, celebrating those who make a real difference in the Redfern and Waterloo communities.