Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeNewsUrban DesignThe hidden costs of ‘urban renewal’

The hidden costs of ‘urban renewal’

The Tenants Union has had strong links with those impacted by redevelopments or urban renewal in a number of areas across Sydney, from the south-west to the inner city. Both anecdotal evidence and research tell us that health and social impacts are significant. During past redevelopments, community workers, population health staff and school principals have identified increased stress, anxiety and worry, which have been manifest in more mental health episodes and increased notifications to social services.

A community health survey in Macquarie Fields undertaken in 2010 reported that 59 per cent of respondents experienced some negative health and wellbeing effects due to being moved because of a public housing sales program. Those who felt these impacts were more likely to be long-term older residents with strong ties to the community and local area. (Judith Stubbs and Associates, “Macquarie Fields Community Health Survey: A Report Created by the Macarthur Housing Coalition”, 2010.)

The European Journal of Public Health has also published research regarding the impact of relocations on older residents. Danermark, Ekstrom and Bodin analysed the effects of the residential relocations of 22,579 elderly persons in Sweden, and considered both those who had been forced to move and those who moved for other reasons. Compared to the death rate for non-movers, the death rate for those forced to move because of urban renewal was almost 50 per cent higher. The death rate for those moving for other reasons was no higher than that for non-movers. (Danemark, Berth D, Ekstrom, Mats E, and Bodin, Lennart L, “Effects of Residential Relocation on Mortality and Morbidity Among Elderly People”, European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 6 1996 No. 3, pp 212-217.)

Quotes from residents from Minto and Waterloo flesh out the statistics:

“(When you move) you lose your friends, you get really emotional … you’ve lost your community.”

“I’ve been dreaming about bulldozers and the kids have been crying.”

“The community is really being ripped to pieces.”

“Why do I have to lose my home, my community, my security?”

“I feel like my life will be on hold for the next five years.”

“How are you going to deal with all the extra parking needed?”

“I am afraid of moving away from my health supports and friends.”

In Waterloo, where there is a longer lead time before any relocations take place, there is a real opportunity to reduce negative health and social impacts. We already know what can make a difference:

  • Conducting a comprehensive social impact assessment and developing a social plan that enables residents and others working with residents to reduce the negative impacts.
  • Decision-makers publically acknowledging the negative impacts which normalises residents’ responses and builds trust and respect between stakeholders.
  • Providing resources to enable residents to meet collectively, discover the reasons for, and context of, their distress. Only when this opportunity to talk, be listened to and listen to others is provided can meaningful solutions be developed by residents for residents.
  • Often, governments and even communities are not aware of the local strengths reflected in informal community supports that assist residents to maintain their wellbeing. Mapping these supports can be a vital way to recognise them and enable their continuation during a time of change.

Waterloo is, however, facing unique challenges. Firstly, the numbers of people affected and the lengthy duration of these effects will mean that carefully planned and sustained community development will be needed. We know this works best when it is implemented by non-government organisations working with residents.

Secondly, many health services used by local residents are located in an area where landlords have already received compulsory acquisition notices to enable work to begin on the metro station. These notices require the premises to be vacated by January 2017. Plans must be developed now for the replacement of these services in both the short and long term.

Large scale redevelopments across Sydney began in 2001. Some 15 years on, many communities, government workers, academics and community workers have witnessed the problems that can arise and what can be done to reduce the negative impacts. Failure to address these issues and learn from the past will not only be expensive for government, it will be negligent.




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