“Lemons! We are drowning in lemons!”
the good people of Lemonville wailed –
and, indeed, the charming little village
had lemon trees aplenty …
Planted, said the old folks, by a pioneer
with an unlikely mania for lemons,
so that, each balmy late autumn,
the villagers, knee-deep in the sunny fruit,
were perplexed as to their use …
The animals would not eat them –
the cows managing the disdainful pucker
usually associated with human faces.
And being country folk, waste of any kind
was anathema to them – what to do?
But – salvation was at hand!
In blew Lemonicia, on a sabbatical break
from her usual teaching ventures,
and was astounded at the villagers’ dilemma.
For she was one of those whose culinary talents
could convert even old boot leather
to a lip-smacking cordon bleu creation!
Well, Lemonicia, that generous soul,
was of a crusading nature –
she would teach them the magic of lemons!
With a wave of her imaginary wand
that lip-puckering Cinderella of the fruit world
became the Jewel of the Kitchen!
The villagers thought they had died
and gone to lemon heaven!
Each day a new concoction!
There was Lemon Mousse, Lemon Drops,
Biscuits, Lemon Sponge, and Slices,
Lemon Chiffon Cake, Lemon Delicious,
and most mysterious of all –
Lemon Custard Magic Cake!
The villagers sighed in deep rapture –
not only were their taste buds
dancing a delirious fandango,
but their lemon problem had been solved!
And so it went all that sunny autumn,
till it was time for Lemonicia to pack her bags …
The villagers lifted their hands in consternation,
“When, when will you return?” they cried.
“Ah, I have other missions”, she explained kindly,
“But I have taught you all I know –
go forth now and monetise your assets,
your wonderful lemons!”
And so it was, that, each autumn thereafter,
devoted fans from near and far wended their way
to the famous Lemon Festival in Lemonville.
Gorging on those spectacular creations,
their waistlines bulged alarmingly,
even while their immune systems did handsprings!
Sated, they strolled through the village square,
pausing momentarily to admire
the enchanting statue of Lemonicia
replete with lemon blossoms in her hair …
Commissioned, of course, by the grateful townsfolk
in honour of their beloved mentor –
Lemonicia, who had taught them a thing or two
about lemons!
‘The Coming of Lemonicia’