‘Summer Beach’ launch spreads warmth and joy - South Sydney Herald
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‘Summer Beach’ launch spreads warmth and joy

There was laughter and joy when ABC producer and journalist Vanessa Gorman interviewed feel-good fiction author Amber Jakeman at Better Read Than Dead in Newtown at the recent launch of Summer Beach.

Summer Beach is Volume 1 in Amber’s Escape to the Coast series, published by Lorikeet Press.

Vanessa, who has known Amber for many years, described her as having “a beautiful moral compass, set to true north and made of love” and said she had enjoyed escaping into the fictitious world of Summer Beach, where “you get to block out everything and just be with these lovely characters.

“We are all people and we care about relationships,” said Vanessa. “We’re curious. We gain something from it.”

Amber, a former journalist, said she’d craved escape from the endless news cycle of tragedy – and fiction gave her the perfect diversion.

Through fiction, she said she loves to “tap into the joy that’s all around me” and write about love, friendships and family.

“I’m interested in the choices people make; in what motivates us,” she added. “We can all make changes, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others.”

Amber describes Summer Beach as a “love song” not just because the hero is a musician, but because love songs celebrate hearts, hope and love.

Vanessa and Amber discussed changes in books and writing since the 1950s, including the breadth of the romance genre. Amber’s fiction is at the sweeter end of the spectrum, also described as “wholesome” and young adult friendly.

“The world has changed and novels have changed as well,” said Amber. “They are now rich with diversity and empowered characters. We want the characters to come to decisions and make the best choices. Consent is essential. Mutual respect and inclusivity matter. The genre has expanded and its richness benefits us all.”


Amber has a giveaway e-news sign-up offer running where everyone can download her first book in her recently launched House of Jewels series, House of Diamonds, for free from the home page of her website at www.amberjakeman.com. A free copy of the Summer Beach e-book is also on offer to the fifth person to email her at Amber@AmberJakeman.com to request a copy.

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