At 254,000 kilometres an hour,
Orbiting the earth in nine-and-a-half minutes,
And while this is definitely my animus,
Even I must be aware of my limits.
As a non-sentient entity the intergalactic police
Can’t keep up with me, so no speeding tickets.
My encompassing view is velvet black pitch,
Planets with a trillion diamonds sewn in as trinkets.
Gas molecules absorb solar light, re-radiating it out,
Within my long tail pure white light reflects,
My orbit past inhabited heavenly bodies
Ensure you are all my star-gazing subjects.
Morehouse, Chiron I consider family for comets,
And although I’d prefer the name O’Malley,
The last time you saw me was in 1986,
Pleased to meet you, my name is Halley.