This article is sponsored by the Aboriginal Housing Company’s Pemulwuy Project. Authorised by Michael Mundine, CEO, Aboriginal Housing Company Limited.
REDFERN: Extended hours for the construction industry announced on April 2 by Rob Stokes, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, will assist existing precautions for extra handwashing and physical distancing already taking place on The Pemulwuy Project site to protect workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mr Stokes announced that building projects must “comply with all conditions of the consent other than any condition that restricts the hours of work or operation on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday”. This means that working hours seven days a week, until the order is lifted, will be the same as for Monday to Friday allowing shifts for existing workers to be spread over seven full working days rather than six days meaning fewer workers on site at any one time.
As the Pemulwuy Project planning consent already allowed work on Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 7am to 3.30pm, for local residents it will not be a huge change.