Here is a way to tell if a pear is ripe. It’s very simple. Feel around the top of the pear by its stem. If it is softer than the rest of the pear and gives a bit then that’s the one you want.
Do you know that pears are low in GI? Please keep the skin on as this is where many of the pear’s nutrients are concentrated with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. This delectable fruit is high in potassium so it can give your heart a helping hand. It has Vitamin C which is good for your immune system, Vitamin K which aids in blood clotting and Vitamin A that can help with your eyes.
They can also aid in the fight against type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Pears are great for when you need a healthy sugar hit. They can also help in lowering your cholesterol due to the high fibre content and they can be helpful … dare I mention it, if you suffer from constipation.
Pears are great in many things and not just for desserts. Throw them in with cheese, salad greens and nuts to liven up your palette. Have you ever thought of a tandoori with pears? That’s one recipe I’m going to look up. and have so many good recipes.
In the absence of fresh fruit the tinned variety is fine, providing the pears are in 100 per cent juice. Enjoy!