A major change to Parenting Payment started late last month.
For more than a decade, Parenting Payment has cut out when a single parent’s youngest child turned 8, with many parents forced onto JobSeeker. That is a loss of almost $200 per fortnight and a way harsher income test. From September 20, 2023, Parenting Payment (single) is available for single parents until their youngest child turns 14. Parenting Payment is paid to a child’s main carer –so only one parent can receive it.
Centrelink has contacted many people receiving JobSeeker or Youth Allowance who may be eligible for Parenting Payment to arrange the transition. If you haven’t heard from Centrelink, Welfare Rights Centre advises you to contact Centrelink as soon as possible on its employment services line – 132 850. This includes people on other Centrelink payments (e.g. Austudy), who may want to check whether they should be getting Parenting Payment.
Julie Foreman is Centre Manager for Welfare Rights Centre