Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeCultureFestivalsMind Body Spirit for everyone

Mind Body Spirit for everyone

Do you want to grow? To open your heart and trust your intuition? The best place to start is at the Mind Body Spirit festival (MBS). This year marked its 30th anniversary. It is held in Melbourne, Brisbane, and at Sydney’s Darling Harbour twice a year during October and April. Tickets are free and available from the MBS website, or at the door.

I have danced, taught, and spoken at the MBS for over 15 years, and the people who take part in it are like a family to me. Over the years, I’ve seen people become more trusting, understanding, happier, and achieving an abundance of faith in life.

Come next time to experience all the magical opportunities we have to offer. Enter with an open mind, feel free to observe and ask yourself, What can I discover to help me create a transformational life?

The MBS can support your wellbeing. From meditation sessions to workshops on health, healing, self-discovery empowerment, seminars and information are given by different experts from all over Australia.

You can find an array of goods to assist you on your path of self-love, self-healing and self-finding. This includes beautiful crystals, self-help books, spiritual healing products, incense, candles, essential oils, herbal teas, chants and much more.

This is not a one-day event, it is a journey which takes full commitment and responsibility, understanding and acceptance.

Seda Star is an author and inspirational speaker based in Redfern, a fourth-generation dancer in a Turkish family, and the creator of self-empowerment products and programs.


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‘A giant in the fight for First Nations justice’

It is with great sadness that Reconciliation Australia sends our condolences to the family and friends of the Rev. Dr D. Gondarra OAM.

Winter Solstice and rituals in the neighbourhood

Every year in our neighbourhood we try to host a Winter Solstice gathering. I do it mostly because I love winter.

Connected people are healthy people

Our hearts are heavy as we continue to mourn the tragic events that unfolded last month at Westfield, Bondi Junction, and across our city. The senseless loss of lives in such a familiar setting strikes deep at our sense of security.

Church responds with love to arson

In recent weeks, vandals have burned and torn the Rainbow Flag at South Sydney Uniting Church (SSUC) on Raglan Street. The church’s notice board has also been defaced. There have been arson attacks on the church in the past.