Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeNewsHuman AffairsMeet Allison Forrest, diaconal student

Meet Allison Forrest, diaconal student

This week I interviewed Allison Forrest, the South Sydney Herald’s new distribution coordinator (with a focus on caring for volunteers). Allison will take on the role this month, as part of a student ministry placement with South Sydney Uniting Church, but of course physical distancing means she will mostly work from home.

Allison is a Sydney person, born at Manly Hospital on the northern beaches, and grew up in the northern suburbs. Sadly, this wonderful community facility has now had its doors closed for good.

Allison has been a Uniting Church member since her teens and is in training for the ministry at United Theological College in North Parramatta. She is in her second year, and as part of her study is required to complete a one-year placement for each year before graduation. She will graduate next year, as a Deacon.

Deacons are ordained ministers who focus on the community around the church rather than on Sunday worship, Allison explained to me. Diaconal ministry is about helping the church to care in a practical way for people and communities.

She was really pleased to have been offered the South Sydney parish placement, as she loves the inner city and wanted to be connected with a congregation here.

Early childhood teaching for a short time, and various administrative positions, including studying for an arts degree, were Allison’s roles before deciding to train for the ministry.

Allison will be in South Sydney one day per week (in person or via web conferencing) and is looking forward to getting to know our South Sydney Herald distributors, contributors and readers. She says she’s quite excited about being part of the vibrant inner-city life and providing a support for our extraordinary volunteer base.

It was a pleasure to talk to someone who has enthusiasm for the placement ahead, and with a commitment to being part of the community.

Welcome Allison! Your support will be a big help to our volunteers, and we all look forward to meeting you as soon as possible.

Allison may be contacted by email:



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