Recently, I had a long spell in hospital. There were times when it wasn’t fun, but my job there got done and I’m on the mend.
Before hospital, I was thrilled because I’d made a total weight loss so far of around 30 kilograms. In hospital, I realised that my normal weight-loss diet was going to be changing dramatically.
At home we eat lots of tomato soup, and lots of spinach, eggs, and chicken. I like meats, salads, fruits and cooked green vegetables. In hospital there were more desserts, potatoes, bread and margarine than I’d been eating to lose weight.
One thing I really enjoyed about hospital food was the high-fibre options like minestrone, baked beans and prunes. Another thing I was often able to do was to eat only the meat and veggies and leave the white bread and white rice.
I was blessed to lose 3 kilograms in hospital despite the big changes to my diet that happened there. Thanks to NSW Health for giving hospital patients options to be healthy and lose weight.