The Uniting Give Hope Christmas Voucher Appeal has begun – a chance to directly support people seeking asylum who live in our communities.
Government cuts since our last appeal mean more people have lost their safety net and modest income support. Gift card vouchers are a direct lifeline and a message of our respect and care for our neighbours’ wellbeing and dignity.
It’s as easy as buying a voucher/s when you go shopping, or online – from a supermarket, department store or other outlet providing a helpful (culturally appropriate) resource, and allowing choice in purchase. Any amount makes a difference, and could mean a family doesn’t skip dinner over Christmas.
Send vouchers to the Give Hope Team (PO Box 7137 Silverwater NSW 2128) or by email We’ll collect and distribute them to our partners House of Welcome, Jesuit Refugee Service and Asylum Seekers Centre, who will distribute them directly to their clients.
For more info, contact Dee Davidian, Uniting Advocacy: