Brrrrr! It’s cold! We’re always tempted to shut all of our doors and windows in winter, and keep warm and snug indoors. It’s much nicer to run around in trackies and a top than to rug up in jumpers and jackets inside.
Recently we purchased a cabon-dioxide monitor from Aliexpress (around $25) and we were alarmed to find out when we shut all our doors and windows the carbon dioxide levels in our house become unhealthy for us to live in.
As my husband says, that’s why the room feels stuffy when all the windows and doors a closed: too much carbon dioxide. Duh Dong.
We took our monitor to a friend’s house who has an unflued gas heater. We found that there was heaps of sulfur-dioxide and carbon-monoxide in the air as well as plenty of carbon-dioxide.
None of those gases are very good for you. Ever felt sleepy sitting in front of a gas heater? That’s because your brain doesn’t have enough oxygen to maintain normal function and it starts shutting things down. Duh Dong.
The moral of the story is – open the windows and doors at least a crack in winter, and if you must heat your rooms, get reverse cycle air-conditioning.
Reverse cycle air-con gives 4 kilowatts of heating for each 1 kilowatt of energy you put into it. It’s the most energy efficient way to heat your house.
Alternatively, you can open your doors and windows a crack and wear a jacket indoors, and pray for a fast metabolism that heats your body effectively.
Check out Gill Robson’s Youtube channel @GillRobson.