Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeNewsEnvironmentClimate action now!

Climate action now!

The Sydney School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) rally on Friday March 25 was held outside Kirribilli House. Other rallies took place across these lands now called Australia, and globally.

Strikers asked the community to join with them to demand: (1) Net zero carbon emissions by 2030, which means no new coal, oil or gas projects, including the Adani mine; (2) 100 per cent renewable energy generations and exports by 2030; (3) Funds for just transition and job creation for all fossil-fuel workers and their communities.

James McEwen, 13, was among the protesters.

For many years I have been marching at protests because I am concerned that our government is not doing anything to protect our future from the terrible impacts of climate change. We’ve seen those impacts with the flooding in Lismore and the awful bushfires two summers ago.

On March 25, I was outside Kirribilli House where the prime minister lives, protesting with over 3,000 other students. I was behind the stage when the organisers asked if anyone wanted to speak on the microphone. I wanted to make a point to Mr Morrison and ask him to do something about our ever-decreasing future. When I stood on the stage, I was shaking with fear, but this is what I said:

“As I’m up here today I am terrified of what is happening to our climate and the fact that our government is doing nothing about it. Instead of funding renewables they are funding oil and gas plants that are destroying our future. Now, I just want to say the man in that building is not going to do anything unless we as a society rise and vote for a new government that cares about our future.”

It was short, but I hope it was powerful, that people listen, and that they act!

If you care, please join a climate action group like SS4C, or if you are a parent, there’s Australian Parents for Climate Action. And if you’re old enough to vote, please look for representatives who are serious about climate action!


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