Antonia* and her sister Galyna* arrived at the Ukrainian-Hungarian border in March this year. Antonia brought with her one toy and a colouring book, which she soon gave to another girl who had no toys with her.
Their family is one of millions forced to flee their homes and which now need support.
The Ukraine crisis has displaced an estimated 6.6 million people inside the country and caused an additional 6.3 million to cross international borders.
The crisis began in Europe in late February 2022 after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It is the biggest displacement crisis in Europe since the second world war.
Needs are multiplying. Of the 18 million people in Ukraine who will be impacted by the ongoing war, 12 million are expected to need humanitarian assistance.
Act for Peace (National Council of Churches in Australia) has decided to give a portion of funds raised through this year’s Christmas Bowl appeal directly to its local partner, Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA), which is providing vital food, shelter and medical supplies for refugees like Antonia and Galyna who have fled over the border to Hungary.
This Christmas, we invite you to place a bowl on your table as a sign of remembrance of our brothers and sisters around the world in urgent need.
We also invite you to give a gift to the Christmas Bowl.
Your donation will help Act for Peace, through its local partners like HIA, respond immediately to emergencies. To give families safety in exile, food when they’re hungry and hope for the future when they need it most.
*Names have been changed for safety reasons.