The Rocks: Featuring performances by Stairwell to Heaven and Choir Rocks, Saturday’s “Sing for Joy” concert was billed as a celebration of the Millers Point community. It was held in the Abraham Mott Community Hall and attracted upwards of 100 supporters.
The Rocks: On the morning of September 17, harbour-side patrons were treated to the sight of more than a thousand people marching against the State Government’s proposed demolition of the Sirius Building.
Tony Abbott’s recent “closing the gap” speech has highlighted the importance of community organisations in helping young people achieve their best. The staff of Glebe Youth Services (GYS) have faced many difficulties over the past few months, but they’re now back in their building and ready to continue their role as an integral community organisation.
On December 30 the Land and Housing Corporation announced that the Glebe Youth Services (GYS) building at 84 Glebe Point Road, would re-open by mid-February. This was a relief to many in the community, as GYS has not been able to operate at capacity since they were locked out of the building on November 27.