WATERLOO: The Factory Community Centre currently runs a program that is funded by the federal government under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. Beyond Walls Outreach helps to reduce anti-social behaviour on the streets, through educational and diversionary outreach activities in the local area, engaging with substance misusers. Pilot funding is coming to an end (in January 2013), and the vicious cycle threatens to start up again.
REDFERN: It was a sunny day in Redfern Park on Tuesday September 18, with the sound of kids playing and scenes that would leave anyone with a smile from ear to ear. Playgroups in the Park is a local family fun day that is open to everyone, and it’s free. The joint initiative involves local community centres and local services, with the main organisers being South Sydney Community Aid and Connect Redfern.
CICADA International Inc. (Contemporary Independent Creative Artist Development Agency) is a not-for-profit association established in Redfern in July 2009. It has done, and is doing, some great things for Indigenous musicians.
NEWTOWN: If you are someone who follows what is happening in the hotel industry, or even the music industry, then you’ll already know that the Sandringham Hotel has been forced into receivership. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then let me fill you in.
Recently I was asked to venture out into the wonderful world of choirs. To my surprise it wasn’t a very long journey, as there are many choirs based in our local area. One of the beautiful voices I was fortunate enough to sit down and have a chat to was Andreas from the Camdenville Community Choir based at Camdenville Public School.