Wednesday, March 26, 2025

South Sydney Herald


Religious and multicultural groups pledge Yes

Religious and multicultural communities across Sydney gathered at Pitt Street Uniting Church on the UN International Day of Peace (September 21) to pledge support...

LOLA: AI redefining healthcare and mental wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced world, where work-related injuries and illnesses continue to impact individuals and businesses, the demand for innovative healthcare solutions has reached a...

Let’s put Redfern on the birdwatching map!

Our feathered friends in Redfern need your help this spring to celebrate the beauty and diversity of nature and our native bird life. This year...

Rachel Perkins is continuing her father’s legacy of activism ahead of the referendum

On Tuesday September 19, filmmaker and co-chair of Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition Rachel Perkins, delivered the Dr Charles Perkins Memorial Oration, which is...

Moments from the Yes23 campaign in pictures

In the Uluru Statement from the Heart, Indigenous Australians asked people to support a Voice to Parliament in Australia’s constitution, so people from all...

Sydney rally marks one year since Mahsa Amini’s death in custody in Iran

A year after the death of Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Amini, protesters rallied in Sydney’s Hyde Park in solidarity and calling for greater freedoms for women...

More voices join Beetaloo Basin NT anti-fracking plea

Jingili singer-songwriter Stuart Nuggett and Mudburra traditional owner Ray Dimakarri Dixon, who is also a singer-songwriter, took their concerns about fracking Beetaloo Basin to...

Neil Para granted residency during 1,000 kilometre walk for refugees

Neil Para recently walked 1000 kilometres to ask the Prime Minister for fairness for refugees who’ve lived here in Australia for more than a...

Michael Long walks for the Voice and asks ‘Where is the love for my people?’

On August 14, champion former Essendon player Michael Long arrived in Canberra, having walked there from Melbourne. Ahead of the Voice referendum on October 14,...

Young Lismore musicians to feature in Sydney Latin music concert

A young jazz band from Lismore will contribute to a night of Latin music and dance that could entice music lovers into the city...

Blessing of the animals

For many years Monika Biernacki and a group of volunteers have been rescuing animals from council pounds. Monika’s Rescues has up to 200 dogs...

Izzy n The Profit at Hustle & Flow

Izzy n The Profit performed at Hustle & Flow Bar in Redfern on Thursday August 24. The show, Izzy’s 40th birthday jam, featured DJ Maniac,...

YES – if not now, when?

"If we don’t seize the moment now, then when?" This was a question posed by ultra-marathon runner Pat Farmer at the Sydney Opera House...

Yellamundie Festival turns 10 with a great lineup

The 10th anniversary of the Yellamundie Festival will be celebrated in late September with a vibrant program of First Peoples voices and stories across the...

Lee rows in, greyhound adoption day and Vietnam Veterans’ Day in pictures

Our photographer Michelle Haywood has been out and about documenting what’s been happening in Sydney this July and August. Take a look!

Building Australian support for Irish unity

On August 9, supporters gathered at the The Gaelic Club in Surry Hills for the Sydney launch of Australian Friends of Irish Unity (AFIU)...

Pemulwuy in pictures

Our photographer Michelle Haywood captured the Pemulwuy opening event on July 25, which also celebrated the Aboriginal Housing Company’s 50th anniversary. Browse the gallery...

What a month for the Matildas!

What a month for the Matildas! Our photographer Michelle Haywood has captured the excitement across the city of Sydney during the FIFA Women’s World...

Skip the small talk at this Speed Friending event

Social enterprise Welcome Merchant has teamed up with ABC presenter and comedian Jennifer Wong to host an evening of Speed Friending on Friday September...

Want to become a tradeswoman? This info day will help!

There’s a big skills shortage in NSW and various industries are crying out for tradies. People tend to picture the stereotypical bloke with a...

‘Love her too’ shines a lyrical light on being the other woman

Synth-pop charmer Mardi Lumsden is back, with the release of a darker track, “Love her too”, from her sophomore album Slow Emotion on August...

Redfern locals Redbird Chinese and Ciccone & Sons launch limited edition gelato

Two of Redfern’s leading hospitality brands – Redbird Chinese and Ciccone & Sons – have announced a special collaboration that is set to fire...

Thank a sight-saving hero, thank an Ophthalmologist

A staggering 9 in 10 Australians report that “sight” is their most valued sense, but few know the crucial role Ophthalmologists play in eye...

2023 Wellbeing Survey – tell the City of Sydney how you feel

The City of Sydney has launched its 2023 Wellbeing Survey, and says it would love to hear from those who live, work or study...

Pemulwuy opening celebrates AHC’s 50th

The Pemulwuy opening on July 25 celebrated the Aboriginal Housing Company’s (AHC) 50th anniversary. The Aboriginal flag flew above the Pemulwuy Business Hub and a...

Indigenous Science Experience at Redfern – free community day

The Indigenous Science Experience Community Day, run at the iconic Redfern Community Centre on Saturday August 19, is an opportunity for everyone to learn...

Sydneysiders rally in Surry Hills to say Yes

Thousands of Australians gathered in Prince Alfred Park in Surry Hills on Sunday July 2 to mark the beginning of NAIDOC week and to...

Transport accessibility matters

I have twice seen passengers in wheelchairs, from buses that terminate in Gibbons Street, stop, unable to continue up the hill to Lawson Place....

Legacy of Australia’s pioneering female footballers celebrated

The legacy of Australia’s pioneering female footballers was celebrated on Sunday June 25 as 4,000 football fans descended on Sydney Harbour Bridge to mark...

Indigenous veterans of Korean War recognised

As part of its ongoing research program, the Australian War Memorial has identified more than 60 Indigenous men who served for Australia during the...

Legacy torch relay, FIFA fan fest and Tom Cruise portrayed

Our photographer Michelle Haywood has been out and about documenting what’s been happening in Sydney this July – take a look! The Legacy Centenary Torch...

Bridge for Asylum Seekers receives Bank Australia grant

Bridge for Asylum Seekers has been selected as one of this year’s Bank Australia Customer Community Grant recipients to help scale its impact and...

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW album launch celebrates the sound of inclusivity

Alternate Voices, the latest album produced through the Ozanam Learning Centre (OLC), will be launched at the Factory Theatre in Marrickville on July 27. OLC...

Interfaith prayer service affirms dignity of all

An Interfaith Prayer Service to promote justice and treatment for people living with drug and alcohol dependency was held on June 19 at the...

‘Summer Beach’ launch spreads warmth and joy

There was laughter and joy when ABC producer and journalist Vanessa Gorman interviewed feel-good fiction author Amber Jakeman at Better Read Than Dead in...

Scattering ceremony farewells the ‘Queen of Glebe’

On Sunday June 18, the ashes of Sarah Murdoch King OAM – known to most Glebe locals as Sadie (and to some as the...

Redfern local Fiona Kelly McGregor author of ‘Iris’ shortlisted for Miles Franklin Award

Redfern local Fiona Kelly McGregor’s latest novel Iris – set in the 1930s in the slums of Sydney – has been shortlisted for Australia’s...

Sydney’s fire, films and tributes in pictures

Our photographer Michelle Haywood has been out and about documenting what’s been happening in Sydney this May and June – take a look!

Free birth certificates for First Nations people in Sydney

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Sydney can get a free birth certificate during NAIDOC week, at events being held in Eveleigh and...

The Bread & Butter Project turns 10

The Bread & Butter Project, Australia’s first social enterprise bakery, celebrated its 10-year anniversary this June, during Refugee Week (June 18 to 24). Founded in...

‘Treefall …’ is the first tender shoot of the new Nina Gotsis EP

Sydney songwriter and musician Nina Gotsis has recorded a follow-up to her debut solo EP Music Colours with The Nina Gotsis Band (Art Colours),...

Heart of the Nation wants to upskill 20,000 community responders

A charity set up by former Yellow Wiggle Greg Page has launched a national campaign to educate 20,000 Australians on how to do cardiopulmonary...

With new brew Young Henrys’ asks: ‘What does it mean to be a Rabbitohs supporter?’

Newtown brewers and distillers Young Henrys and the South Sydney Rabbitohs have launched a new brew, which they say is a love-letter to their supporters...

Community forum: ‘Ending Loneliness in the City of Sydney’

Despite its silent nature, the loneliness pandemic is real and it’s here. That’s why a number of pivotal organisations are banding together to discuss how...

Picturing ‘Stories for the Future’ at Sydney Writers’ Festival

The South Sydney Herald had a great time at the Sydney Writers’ Festival – and these photos from our photographer, Stephen Webb, show a...

Woolloomooloo Parade takes flight

Woolloomooloo came alive with an avian-themed procession, flower-filled trolleys, live music and more at the inaugural Woolloomooloo Parade on May 19. More than 300 local...

Celebration highlights growing need for homelessness aged care facilities

A Surry Hills facility set up to address the growing need for affordable and suitable aged care accommodation for people who had been rough...

Art exhibition celebrates neighbourliness

The L.O.C.A.L. art exhibition opened on May 13 at the Orchard Gallery (South Sydney Uniting Church), Waterloo. The show, curated by Catherine Skipper, featured 24...

Vivid shines on Sydney

The Vivid Sydney 2023 program is dazzling. (Just take a look at these illuminating photos by our photographer Michelle Haywood to see how!)

People of faith challenge big banks on climate fail

People of faith were part of “human chain” protests at National Australia Bank (NAB) headquarters in capital cities on Wednesday, May 31, and some...