Woven Threads is an eight, five-minute-episode series that first appeared on ABC iVIEW on June 20, World Refugee Day. Through beautiful and powerful animations it presents varied and moving stories of refugees.
At the series launch on July 11 at Palace Chauvel Paddington, director Michi Marosszeky said, “Woven Threads was inspired by our need to share and understand stories of people whose journeys or cultures we may not understand.”
She said, “With the argument about refugees becoming increasingly political and less focused on humanity, I felt that we had lost sight of the plight of the people and were concentrating only on the logistics and the legalities involved. It seemed to me that we had forgotten the immigrant basis of this amazingly diverse country we call Australia.”
Ms Marosszeky said, “Our aim is to involve and inform. We want people to realise that the worldwide negative and punitive methods employed to stop refugees and asylum seekers is not merely a process of scaremongering but is also immoral.”
She said through the stories of Woven Threads people could begin to be heard, break down barriers and reconnect with humanity.
The stories of Woven Threads are to be distributed nationally through primary and secondary schools and one episode has already been accepted into an international film festival.