Every faith or religious body in the area is welcome to join the Roundtable as we try to develop stronger links between communities. The Community Arts Project is one way we hope to do this. Art can be a medium to help people explore their different hopes, concerns and interests and a way to engage people in a conversation about such things as values, beliefs, social justice and spiritual life. We have invited people of all ages to do this through drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and poetry.
The date for submissions of community art has passed but you can still be part of the conversation because the exhibition is on in August. We invite all to participate in the conversation by visiting the exhibition.
A selection of the submitted works will be open for public viewing at the Seaview Gallery Dulwich High, Seaview Street, Dulwich Hill. The opening will be from 6-8pm Friday, August 24 and then 10am-4pm on Saturday, August 25. The mayor of Marrickville, Morris Hanna, will open the exhibition on Friday night.
This arts project is sponsored by the MMR. It is supported by Marrickville Council and the Blake Society’s Engage program which aims to foster local community conversation around values and spirituality.
“The Engage project is aimed to be run by local groups centred in community, educational, religious or vocational interests that want to explore what hope means to their members, via the arts and creative exploration. One of the major objectives of this project is to assist in sponsoring creative expression in local communities and increase the range of our dialogue to, in turn, celebrate difference as a cultural value in our wider society,” said Dr Rod Pattenden, Chair of the Blake Society.
Fr John Pearce, President of the MMR, said: “I hope it will foster good relationships and greater harmony within the Marrickville area.”
So far we have seen some very interesting pieces reflecting local community activities for social inclusion, social justice and community sharing of interests such as a community garden. There are some poems reflecting the spiritual journey as well as one challenging our view of ourselves.