The City of Sydney has responded in both cash and kind to requests from the community. It has provided $10,000 to a coalition of the three existing residents’ groups – the Millers Point Public Housing Tenants Advisory Group, CORE and the Millers Point Resident Action Group – who have resolved to fight the sale.
In response to the need for legal advice to people as they deal with the Land and Housing Corporation and Housing NSW regarding transfers, Council has granted $100,000 to Redfern Legal Centre over the next 12 months for tenant support, advocacy and advice services to public housing tenants impacted by the sale.
A number of services indicated to Council that they want to support the community but need space for their work. Council has approved access free-of-charge in its community facilities at the Harry Jensen Centre in Argyle Place, to organisations including Shelter NSW, the Tenants Union, the Inner West Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service, the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development (ISRCSD) and Redfern Legal Centre; and qualified staff to deliver relevant support services, including tenancy advice, legal advice, counselling and mental health services to any residents impacted by the Millers Point public housing sale.
With the encouragement of other agencies, ISRCSD has responded by employing Joel Pringle as a Senior Community Development Officer for an initial six weeks to assist groups in Millers Point, and aims to complement the legal work and community support that is already underway and to recommend what additional support or activities may be needed. Joel’s position is unfunded. If you are able to assist, further details can be found here.
The NSW government’s announcement to sell off public housing, even that which is fit for purpose, in Millers Point, Dawes Point and The Rocks, has created not only many issues for those who stand to lose their homes but also raised important concerns in inner-city public housing communities and the wider community who deplore the precedent set for the possible removal of their neighbours from public housing built on land the government deems too valuable. Moves are underway to form a Friends of Millers Point group for people from outside the area who want to assist.