Tania is a remarkable woman with an inspiring story and a big heart. She started selling The Big Issue many years go in Pitt Street and has returned, sharing a pitch with James outside Badde Manors Cafe on Glebe Point Road.
“This last year was a big mess for me but this year I’m changing for the better. I love The Big Issue, I love getting out there and talking to people. You meet so many interesting people.”
Years of abuse, the loss of her mother and brother, and having her daughter taken away from her have left Tania struggling with depression. “Before I sold The Big Issue I was not doing anything. Now I’m looking after myself properly and I’m doing things like having coffee with people instead of going and taking drugs, alcohol and whatever else can destroy my life.”
Despite her experience she is still helping others. “Even when I sell The Big Issue I still give money to the people asking for money. I can’t give them much more but a dollar, something that helps.”
“I just want to say a big thank you to my best friend Neffy Taylor; if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would also like to thank the staff at The Big Issue because if it wasn’t for you I’d just be at home depressed, feeling sorry for myself and I probably wouldn’t have gotten off the pills. You have been a big inspiration to me and for the month that I have been working it has been remarkable. I’m happy.”