There you were, slithering along the cliff face next to me,
Tiny black and shiny with a dapper red stripe on your belly.
You seemed newly minted, newly hatched –
I was entranced!
You peered curiously at this big animal in your new world,
Eyes as bright and curious as a kitten as you weaved to and fro.
I have no doubt, when you have grown to big snake’s estate
That you will be handsome, shiny and feisty,
Taking no prisoners.
Instead, the big animal and their like will flee screaming
At the mere sight of you,
Never mind that you glided out accidentally, and meant no harm.
Sticks, stones and other objects will be flung at you in terror,
And you, wisely, will beat a hasty retreat.
Such is life, little snake, sunshine and brickbats!
But, never mind all that, for now,
As you weave your tiny self along that cliff face,
Bright eyes surveying your new world,
You are, well, if not exactly cuddly, at least as cute as a button!
‘Baby Snake’