The developer of the over-station development at Waterloo Metro wants to change the approved plan for the site by introducing a fourth tower and increasing the height of the northern building. These combined changes will have a significant shadow impact on the new park approved for east of Cope Street and the station development.
The developer argues the approved commercial development is no longer viable and wants to revert to residential. While not asking for extra floor space, the developer needs taller buildings to achieve residential solar access. Rather than revert to the earlier residential plan the developer wants to add an extra co-living building, suitable for student housing.
The changes would add 448 co-living units in the new tower in addition to the 474 co-living units in the southern building. There would be 50 additional market units and to maintain the required 5 per cent affordable housing units, an increase of 16 affordable units.
An overview can be found in “Waterloo Second Amending Concept DA_Scoping_Dec24” on the NSW Planning Portal. The developer will further develop their plans with a view to a formal exhibition later this year. REDWatch will organise a community meeting for the developer to explain their proposal.
Geoff Turnbull is the Spokesperson for REDWatch.
They will do as they like.