Australia and the world are in massive upheaval due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, the crises presented by climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequality have not receded.
Covid-19 has thrown into stark relief the vulnerability of those who face housing insecurity and the failings of an inadequate welfare system. The critical contributions of key workers in our community, many of whom, such as cleaners, aged care and childcare workers, are poorly paid. The importance of cooperation, compassion and the local economy. The ways that ecosystems may recover if given space to do so.
How can we emerge from this pandemic in ways that build justice and fairness, take pressure off the environment and strengthen our economy? What values do we want to see enacted in our community life?
School Strike 4 Climate, the students behind last September’s massive climate strikes, invite us to join with them for an online broadcast on May 15 to build a vision for a better future.
“We just lived through the worst bushfire season in our history and now we are in the grips of a deadly pandemic,” state the students on their website.
“While the government rushes to respond, they are leaving behind millions of people and protecting mining companies and fossil fuel projects which threaten our future.
“In these times of crisis, we need to come together to build hope and a vision for a better, fairer future and show leadership.”
“On May 15 we will hear from those impacted by the climate crisis and the Covid pandemic, and collectively create a vision for the future we need, one that leaves no one behind. Then we will make sure our politicians hear our message loud and clear.
“On May 15, everyone is welcome and everyone is needed. Because when lives and livelihoods are on the line, it’s time to step up and change everything.”
Join the May 15 national broadcast from 4pm, and look out for other supporting events and ways you can participate: