Sydney Food Share provides free food and toiletries for anyone who needs it. No strings attached for homeless people, people who are unemployed, and victims of domestic violence.
Sometimes people don’t think they live in a warm inclusive society. But people with big hearts take this service seriously. People associated with Sydney Food Share are great. They fill a need in society as our Government perhaps does not have its finger on the pulse in terms of food insecurity.
To use this service, you need to message Sydney Food Share on Facebook and a friendly face will meet you at Natty’s Café in Stanmore or at Stanmore station with essentials for you.
For example, if your family of four needs food for a couple of weeks, simply message the Facebook page and organise to meet to pick up your groceries and toiletries for the coming week.
Help is available but personal delivery is not an option.
To donate you can start small – perhaps adding extra items to your regular food shop. Purchase pasta, tinned tuna, UHT milk, tomato paste or other non-perishables and drop them in to Natty’s Café on Northumberland Street in Stanmore where they will be picked up by Sydney Food Share. The service then adds fresh items to your contribution for family or individual pick up.
There is real creativity in helping. You can get the kids involved too. Connect with neighbours and organise crates of food.
Come and support Natty’s Café – it is very community minded. If you really have no means to drop your donation off at Natty’s, and your pick up is substantial, an alternative can be arranged.
Sydney Food Share has helped the Brighter Futures Early Intervention Program, Cumberland; The Asylum Seekers Centre; and councils in outer metropolitan areas such as Douglas Park, Campbelltown, Thirlmere and Ruse. It has also assisted elderly people in the Shoalhaven and the Manly peninsula.
It wants to provide more help to those in the inner city.
Support groups include The Biker’s Hand in Penrith – a group of socially minded bikers, which collects and distributes food for Sydney Food Share when it is low on supplies.
In the lead up to Christmas, Sydney Food Share needs additional donations and support as it is a very stressful time for families.
You can also donate money to Sydney Food Share via its Facebook page and a receipt will be sent to you.
The Facebook page is used to raise awareness of the service. So, please check it out!