The age group is very wide spread, which was another surprise because I was one who thought that choirs are for older people. Apparently not. They are a not-for-profit group and the social aspect is amazing. The choir sings songs from different regions all around the world. Currently it is recording a Christmas CD at the South Sydney Uniting Church, aiming to release it around November, which will be available to people for a donation. The money they make is always going towards charities, specifically the Australian Children’s Music Foundation, which is focussed on bringing joy and inspiration to the lives of children and youth who are on the wrong side of advantage.
I was amazed by the impact something so simple has on people’s lives, and it’s fun. I sat in on a practice session and it was very funny to see full-grown adults sitting like children, looking up, listening and with an occasional chat to the person next to them – trying not to get caught.
This is not the only choir from the South Sydney area, there are also the Darlingtones, I Cantarini, also El Coro, Voices from the Vacant Lot and the Cleftomaniacs. These are the only ones I know about, but I’m sure if you head down to your local community centre, public school or church that they will most likely know of some more.
Joining a choir is not only good for your social life, it’s excellent for your health. It keeps you learning, the weekly warm-ups are great for your body, and singing in a group is very uplifting for your vocals and mind. Something to be recommended.