UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation (UrbanGrowth NSW) and Sydney Metro have prepared a masterplan and a concept development application for the Waterloo Metro Quarter to sit above the approved metro station design. Both are on exhibition for public comment by January 30, 2019.
The State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study contains the masterplan for the Metro Quarter. It includes all the studies required by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and City of Sydney Council for a masterplan and new planning controls for the Metro Quarter. Many studies are the same as for the Waterloo estate.
The proposed changes remove the area from the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 to create a state environmental planning policy (SEPP) to amend the existing planning controls to:
- Increase building heights from 12 metres (3-4 storeys) and 15 metres (4-5 storeys) to a maximum height of RL 116.9 metres (equivalent to 29 storeys);
- Increase the maximum floor space ratio (FSR) from 1.75:1 to 6.1:1 across the whole site;
- No changes to the B4 Mixed Use zoning are proposed;
- Introduce active street frontage provisions on Botany Road, Wellington Street and Raglan Street;
- Introduce a design excellence clause to ensure best-practice design;
- Introduce a development control plan (DCP) to provide detailed design controls and principles for future development in the precinct.
Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept State Significant Development Application (SSDA) has been submitted by Sydney Metro based on the SSP proposed planning controls to deliver:
- Approximately 700 dwellings, with 5-10 per cent affordable dwellings [guaranteed only for 10 years], and up to 10 per cent social housing;
- Three residential towers of 23, 25 and 29 storeys, each with a three-storey non-residential podium. The buildings will also have parking for about 427 cars and 1,220 bicycles;
- Approximately 4,000 square metres of retail and entertainment facilities;
- Approximately 8,500 square metres of business and commercial premises and indoor community recreation facilities; and
- A publicly accessible plaza of approximately 1,400 square metres fronting Cope Street, with access into the metro station [the size isn’t clear as the SSDA doesn’t specify].
The concept development application will be used by the appointed developer to create the final design of the development for both the station and the buildings above it.
UrbanGrowth information sessions
- 1-4pm, Friday January 18, Redfern Town Hall.
- 10am-1pm, Thursday December 6, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
- 10am-1pm, Thursday January 17, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
- 11am-1pm, Wednesday December 12, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
- 11am-1pm, Wednesday December 19, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
- Bilingual Russian and Chinese workers will attend all of the above events except for the drop-in sessions.
- Chinese outreach briefing – 11.30am-12.30pm, Thursday December 13, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
Submissions must be made directly to the DPE as comments made at information sessions don’t count as input into the exhibition.
View documents
Printed copies of SSP and DA documents can be viewed at:
- City of Sydney: Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street Sydney
- Green Square Library: 355 Botany Road Zetland (the nearest council centre)
- Waterloo Library: 770 Elizabeth Street Waterloo
- Counterpoint Community Services: The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo
- Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre: 95 Wellington Street Waterloo (opposite the IGA)
The exhibition documents can be seen on the DPE exhibition pages, which can be found as follows:
- SSP exhibition website: planspolicies.planning.nsw.gov.au and follow the “on exhibition” links;
- SSDA exhibition website: majorprojects.planning.nsw.gov.au and follow the “currently on exhibition” links.