The City’s alternative vision proposes:
• A maximum total of 5,300 homes;
• 45 per cent social and affordable housing and 55 per cent private housing;
• Retaining the Matavai and Turanga towers;
• 12-13-storey buildings around a park, with others seven to nine storeys;
• Better natural sunlight and ventilation in buildings and open spaces.
Check the City of Sydney’s website for more details.
Speak up to the pollies – important dates for your diary in March
Tenants concerned about the redevelopment are encouraged to keep updated on the master planning process. They can do so with the help of Pam, Nina and Adam, who are available to clarify details and provide independent advice.
However, the state election is looming on March 23. The politicians that have the ultimate say on policies and projects like redevelopments tend to listen more as elections approach. This means March is a great time to agitate. With candidates in the room seeking your vote, you can ask uncomfortable questions and raise the issues important to you.
State candidates’ election forums
Waterloo cuts across two electorates, so you will have the chance to hear from party candidates for Newtown and Heffron about their plans on issues like public housing, transport and others.
Newtown electorate
Date: Thursday March 7
Time: 6pm
Location: The Factory, 67 Raglan St, Waterloo
Heffron electorate
Date: Wednesday March 13
Time: 7pm
Location: Alexandria Town Hall, 73 Garden St, Alexandria
Civil Society Housing Assembly
Nine days before the NSW government election, 2,500 leaders and citizens will stand together at Sydney Town Hall united by their belief in a fairer housing. They will be seeking clear and concrete commitments on affordable housing, household energy and rental reform from state and federal policy makers, many present on the night. The idea is to feature powerful personal testimonies and send a strong collective message.
Date: March 14
Time: 7pm-8.30pm
Location: Sydney Town Hall, 483 George St, Sydney