While enjoying the extra fruit and veggies this month, there’s something I’d like to bring to your attention – genetically modified food. Did you know that many of the foods we eat have been modified, but not in a bad way? Scientists and archaeologists don’t use the term “genetically modified” but rather “domesticated”. All around the world trees, grains, fruits and vegetables have been changed so they are bigger and better for us to eat.
Take, for instance, the history of the carrot. Carrots once looked totally different from how they look today. To cut a long story short, you can see here (link below) how much they have changed. There are actually two types of carrot in our history but I will leave it up to the Carrot Museum to explain: http://bit.ly/1TErs1o.
I also share this website that shows how many changes have been made with vegetables and from where they have come. The timeline is astounding: http://abt.cm/1UqFHJm.
To continue with the research, check out this article from Live Science that talks about the modern terms of genetically modified foods, the good and bad effects: http://bit.ly/1EKgNaT.